Monday, December 29, 2008

Some more Christmas pictures.

Here is a picture of one of my Christmas presents.

Little kids at Grandma's house for Christmas 2008.

I got a gps system for my car for Christmas. Now hopefully I will not get lost in Utah. I am going to move January 2nd to Draper Utah. I will be teaching three health classes and one history class. I am teaching at a middle school. I am excited to move to a new town with a new singles ward. I am learning how difficult it is to plan lessons for teaching. Christmas was good at the Riddoch Household. All of the kids got lots of presents and there were not any complaints. Those of the Riddoch family who didn't make it home only missed out on lots and lots of little nieces and nephews runnning, crying, and screaming. Over the Christmas break I got sick. I think I got food poisoning from Subway. I lost a few much needed pounds in one day. It was good to see the family members that could make it home for Christmas. peace out and merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I am working for 2 more weeks at Old Navy then I can finally quit!!!\

Sunday, November 30, 2008

My new cd can be listened to and downloaded at

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I just recorded a new cd and it will be available shortly. I will try to put up my music on my blog, facebook, and my myspace page.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Breaking News: I petitioned BYUI to let me come back after my student teaching and they are going to let me come back as a non traditional student. I will contine to take the pre-requisites for physical therapy. I also found out that I will be student teaching at Indian Middle school in Sandy Utah this January.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Update into Rees Riddoch's life
So it is my last semester at BYUI before i do my student teaching this winter in south salt lake. I am currently trying to petition BYUI to let me come back after I do my student teaching so that I can finish some of the pre-requisites for PT school. I currently dont know if I even want to even do PT school but I definitely dont want to teach. If i could finish some of the pre-requisites for PT school then it would also open up other doors for other masters programs. I am currently undecided as to what I want to do with my life. I know I enjoy studying health, and I enjoy music and I occasionally enjoy a good glass of scotch. I dont have any new crazy stories in my life. I am just trying to enjoy college.
peace out sincerely, Rees Riddoch

Thursday, September 4, 2008

New Bike pic album: bringing sexy back

Saturday, August 30, 2008

150cc scooter coming soon

The lastest news is that I am shopping for a 150cc scooter. I know there are many people who dont think they are manly but I think they are pimp. I have asked many ladies if they would would love a ride and they said heck yes. I can't wait to buy a scooter. I was looking at motorcycles but I dont want to deal with manual shifting. If I bought a scooter I would be able to get a brand new scooter that is reliable for cruising around town.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

visit to check out my original music.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Chilling at the ice caves with my old FHE group

FHE group at the Rexburg temple.

This is my a pic of my old FHE group and roommates

From Left to Right: Me, jackie, Britni, and Josh my old roomie

This is a picture of me sporting a fohawk a few years ago.

This picture was at Bunkhouse at my old apartment.

From left to right: Sam Croft, Jake Gibson, and Me (college roommates)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

This is my ghost rider picture

This is my baby zoolander picture.

I was messing around with my webcam and this is what I found I could do.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The sexy red guitar on the right is mine.

Got Soul patch? This picture is of my first soul patch.
Yes I know it is very sexy.

This picture is of my old roommates and FHE group. We were sitting on top of R mountain in Rexburg.

Capturing this classic guitar jump was very tough.
I almost hit my head on the ceiling.

This is a picture of me holding my niece Addalyn
And yes I am rocking the goatee look.

This is a picture of my first attempt at growing a goatee. (very sexy)

I used to own this classic sports car- 1974 Datsun 260z.
This car was a beast on the road. It was a beautiful car.
If you have the means to buy one I would highly recommend it.