Saturday, May 9, 2009

9 days

9 days until I get my pin pulled out of my toe. May 18th is the day where I will throw my crutches down and throw my boot across the room and then I will walk. I have walked with a special boot for 1 month now. I have been using crutches to hop to classes at BYUI everyday. I have been able to walk around the house without any crutches just walking on the heel of my boot. This surgery has not bee painful other than the first couple days after the surgery. However it has been a frustrating experience to tie garbage bags around my foot everytime I shower, and to have to sit in a chair everytime I shower. I have been in constant fear of putting too much weight on my toes and accidentally snapping the pin in my toe. My doctor told me if I ever put too much weight on my toes the pin in my toe could break. It is tiring walking on your heel all day long. I am hoping and praying that this surgery was successful and that it will heal correctly. I am sick of having surgeries and being laid up and having to stay at home. I recently just read book two of of the Eragon series. The second book was called Eldest, and I read the third book called Brisinger. Apparently there is a 4th book in the series which Christopher paolini hasnt written yet. I was left hanging at the end of the third book with the biggest cliffhanger ending of any book. I was hoping for the third book to end the series but instead the book dragged on and didn't end. I did however like the books even though the author didn't finish the story. I wouldn't suggest reading the books yet since the 4th book isn't finished yet. I am still career searching and soul searching for what I am supposed to do with my life and I currently have no idea. Thanks for reading about another chapter in Rees Riddoch's life. We will see you next week and have a good night. peace out

This pic I found on Mum's camera and I thought it was good so I added it. It is of some neices and nephews last Halloween. Bella was wearing the wrong costume for her fierce look. I also like how one of the twins is waving to the camera man.

For some odd reason Brant didn't want to be seen in any of the pictures with me. I thought this was a good pic nonetheless. This pic was also taken at the Colorado Rockies game.

My family and I attended a Colorado Rockies game last summer or the summer before. It is all a haze the exact date. I have had too many prescription drugs for one life time. lol j/k.