Tuesday, October 26, 2010

26 years old...

I just turned 26 years old. I am teaching college and working on a masters degree. I would say I am doing pretty well for myself.

well peace, Sincerely, Rees

Monday, October 18, 2010


Overall my students scored very well on my midterm test except for a few students. This week I am turning 26 years old. I am getting a few gray hairs on my head. I am enjoying grad school. This first semester is not that tough. Although next semester I might need to take a stats class which will be very hard for me. I got a (B+) in my undergrad stats class by a miracle. To be honest I dont know if I should've passed my undergrad stats class because I barely understood what was going on. I decided this week I am going to ask out a girl and go on one last date before I am 26years old. well peace

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


WIth my first research paper and presentation in grad school I earned an (A) grade. Grad school requires a lot of researching and reading but overall it isn't that tough so far. Call me crazy but I enjoy going to school.
My First aid class I am teaching has to take my midterm test that I wrote tomorrow. Hopefully I taught towards the test and my students do well on the test. If not I can always curve the test.

Peace sincerely, Rees

Friday, October 1, 2010

USU beat BYU in football

I attended the USU vs. BYU football game. USU worked BYU 31-16 and it was the first time USU beat BYU since 1993. Then I rushed the field just to experience rushing the field...
